TimeSlips CAFÉ™
"Capturing Artistic Moments of Joy"
TimeSlips Storytelling: The GNJ Center has designed a specialized TimeSlips Storytelling engagement approach using a creative approach to open up imaginative storytelling through a structured series of creative story sessions. Led by a teaching artist who is a certified facilitator, participants will be able to co-create a collaborative work of artistic expression that reflects their interests, tastes, hopes and desires.
With support from the facilitator, group stories will be crafted into a “text” for sharing – works of original poetic stories, images, and visual artworks. The final form will be determined by the participants themselves. Using the format of a “Memory Café” each participant’s family member, care partners and others within the community, will be invited to a celebratory event featuring the participants-artist in a way that is culturally appropriate and memory friendly, honoring their inspiration and the work with artistic value and connection to their communities.
The TimeSlips Storytelling pilot-project will offer a short series of engagement sessions, through the Create and Thrive! Program, that offers a taste of this work, and is shared as an example and inspiration. These creative sessions will be designed to reflect joy and well-being as evidenced by their active participation and memory recall. The interactive workshops will provide each participant with an opportunity to enjoy self-expression while sharing heart felt stories and other creative modalities to provide a sense of self and reminiscent play.
The TimeSlips Storytelling pilot-project model is designed to shift away from the expectation of memory – where participants with Dementia can feel shame and loss – toward imagination, where participants, staff, family and artistic collaborators can participate as equals from a position of strength. For more information about how you can participate as a member of the GNJ Center’s TimeSlips Project please contact us at 202-723-8537 or email us at